f IT Assessment | IT Consultancy Services for Business | Datek

IT Assessment

An IT assessment is one of the most essential parts of the Infrastructure IT services we offer and it’s completely free.

Before we know how we can help your business, we need to know where you currently are. By sitting down with you and performing an IT assessment of all of your current systems we are able to create and provide a Service Improvement Plan (SIP) that supports the business as it grows and improves.

IT Assessment Includes:

  • How you use your IT systems
  • How well your systems are performing for your business use
  • What problems/issues your staff are facing
  • Your concerns or questions about future changes
  • Whether the IT environment is set up in the most efficient way to give the best performance and reliability to your business
  • The financial impact of your current systems
  • Your data recovery requirements

Whatever we find in your IT assessment, we make sure it’s clear what we are going to do about it and how important it is.

We’ll sit down with you in person and discuss all of our findings, how we’re going to implement any changes and make it clear what’s essential and what’s not. Some parts may require investment but others might be configuration, which we can do as part of our on-boarding process, providing IT infrastructure support services to fix these.

An IT assessment is all part of our service to help understand exactly what’s best for you and your business.