f Storage Infrastructure for Business | Secure Data Storage | Datek

Storage Infrastructure

If you have a storage solution which needs replacing, it may feel like a daunting task as it’s not something you do every day, at Datek we’re implementing storage solutions on a regular basis, we have extensive experience in this area, we can design and implement the right solution for your business.

The storage requirements of businesses are increasing exponentially, this is due to many factors such as the need to keep data for longer for compliance reasons or simply that data has grown such as larger and higher quality photographs, drawings, documents and databases.  Therefore it’s important to have a solution in place which can store this information reliably for long periods.

As well as needing more storage, businesses are increasingly finding that they need faster storage.  With more data being stored, the need to search and find information quickly is critical.  Businesses also often have multiple systems providing different services to different parts of the company, so a suitable storage solution which addresses all of these needs is critical.

We work with a number of best of breed storage providers including as HP, Lefthand and Dell EqualLogic, so regardless of your data size and performance requirements we can provide a solution which fits your requirements and budget.

Having so much data in just one place represents a significant risk so it’s important any storage solution is protected by a suitable backup and disaster recovery solution.  You may choose to simply back this up to tape or have it replicated to a storage solution in another office, as with all our solutions, our approach is to design bespoke solutions to fit your needs as every business is different.

Read our tips on finding the right IT infrastructure for your business here.